2020 Taiwan Non-Financial Reporting Watch
The Taiwan Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD Taiwan) is working with CSRone to promote international awareness of the development of non-financial information in Taiwan, to produce the Non-Financial Disclosure Watch on irregular basis. The goal is to monitor the publication of sustainability reports in Taiwan and strengthen the communication further build a stable relationship between companies, stakeholders, investment on the task of a-better-world-for-all , thereby enhancing the quality of ESG reporting.
Data providing information on global sustainability reporting trends was provided by GRI and sourced from the GRI Sustainability Disclosure Database.
本次年度觀察報告以2019 年發布的CSR/永續報告書為分析範圍,國際報導資訊來源由GRI Sustainability Disclosure Database提供;臺灣報導資訊來源由CSRone提供。