WBCSD GNs news :https://www.wbcsd.org/Overview/Global-Network/News/BCSD-Taiwan-announces-launch-of-Taiwan-Nature-Positive-Initiative

BCSD Taiwan announces launch of Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative

Published: 6 Feb 2023
Type: News

Taipei, 6 February 2023: The Taiwan Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD Taiwan), WBCSD’s Global Network partner in Taiwan, invited companies to join the Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative (TNPI) to make more active contributions to nature and biodiversity conservation issues.

Inspired by the Global Goal for Nature, BCSD Taiwan launched the Initiative to help assist Taiwanese companies with responding to nature-related issues in a more active and prominent way. Secretary-General of BCSD Taiwan Tony Mo said: “With the Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative, business in Taiwan will have a better understanding of what nature positive is, its significance for Taiwanese companies and what can be implemented in practice, so as to draw a clearer and more feasible path of action on Nature Positive.”

“This year, BCSD Taiwan joined Capitals Coalition and established the Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative to guide Taiwanese companies on how to use WBCSD’s nature-related management tools and focus on nature-positive actions,” said Jonney Shih, Chairman of BCSD Taiwan. “BCSD Taiwan is also striving to increase awareness among local companies of the value of biodiversity when working with international responsible investments.”, he continued.

At COP15 in Montreal, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was adopted on 19 December 2022. Among the GBF targets for 2030, it specifically mentioned that companies and financial institutions should monitor, assess, and transparently disclose their risks, dependencies and impacts on biodiversity through their operations, supply and value chains and portfolios. Promoting companies to take responsible biodiversity actions is one of the keys to improving biodiversity-related business practices.

The TNPI was launched on 15 December 2022, and 8 Taiwanese companies have responded to the calling, including Acer, Asus, Bank SinoPac, Cathay Financial Holdings, Delta Electronics, Sinyi Group, Taiwan Cement Corporation and Wistron Corporation.

“Acer believes that corporations should use their influence to help protect global biodiversity,” said Tiffany Huang, Co-Chief Operating Officer of Acer. “We are proud to support those using technology to preserve biodiversity; from scientists locating and protecting endangered whales in the oceans, to partnering with environmental nonprofits to discover areas where trees are most needed and to monitor their growth. We are glad to join the Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative and will keep exploring new possibilities to do more for the environment.”, she added.

Shi-Kuan Chen, Chairman of SinoPac Financial Holdings, said: “Achieving Nature Positive is a prerequisite for creating a greener world for posterity. Together, we can make a better life.”

“We are delighted to support the Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative driven by BCSD Taiwan. Climate change is greatly impacting mankind and the survival of all species on Earth. With the continuous attention paid to biodiversity, Delta has formally incorporated Biodiversity into our ESG strategy, and we will continue to work with partners to fulfill our commitments to a nature-positive future,” said Jesse Chou, Chief Sustainability Officer at Delta Electronics.

Chuang Yun, Chou, Vice President of Sinyi Realty, said: “Sinyi believes in eternal value and provides fulfilling and happy life for associated parties. We expect our Mengalum Island to be a pioneer of combining sustainability, environmental conservation, and eco-tourism while achieving net zero. We are glad to join Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative, by cross-disciplinary cooperation of biodiversity conservation, we are moving a further step to grow in harmony and sustainably with people and Nature.”

“If the only lives living on Earth are humans and our domesticated animals and plants, the Earth’s ecosystem will not be able to support further developments of the human life,” said Taiwan Cement Corporation Chairman, Nelson An-ping Chang.

Via the congratulatory video, Uta Jungermann, Senior Manager at WBCSD’s Member Support & Global Network, also mentioned that WBCSD stands ready to support the TNPI and its members in their vital efforts to become nature positive.

From 2023 to 2024, the TNPI plans to conduct a series of projects for Taiwanese companies, including trainings on the Nature Capital Protocol, SBTN & TNFD workshops, and introductions to the Roadmaps to Nature Positive by WBCSD. Moreover, the TNPI will play a role of facilitating communication between companies, authorities, financial sector, and society. With the support of tools from international organizations such as WBCSD and Capitals Coalition, the TNPI will also help companies build resilience in response to the latest natural trends and the Global Biodiversity Framework. By taking local actions, TNPI aims to contribute to the Global Goal for Nature of net positive by 2030 and full recovery by 2050.